Power of Fathers uses a multi-faceted approach to improve outcomes on three levels: Individual, Organizational, and Policy/Systems.
We help individual fathers address their specific issues to improve their life situations, their relationships with their children, and their interactions with their co-parents.
To create impactful and sustainable change, we cannot focus on just helping fathers. We must improve the organizations and agencies that provide the vital services and supports fathers need.
We must also improve the policies and systems that adversely impact fathers’ ability to support themselves, their families and their communities.
Individual Level
We believe that a father has true power when he develops strong self-identity, self-worth, and self-efficacy. When a father knows who he is (person), understands his place in this world (place), and realizes what talents and gifts he possesses to improve the world (purpose), he truly has the power to be a force for positive change. That philosophy is the foundation for the individual support we provide fathers.
- Our Navigators staff provide individual support to fathers in areas including: employment, education, housing, health and behavioral health support, and legal assistance.
- Fathers participate in a 12-week integrated curriculum focused on developing them as men, as parents, and as co-parents
- Fathers participate in weekly peer networking meetings that provide peer support and education covering child development/engagement, parenting/co-parenting, and their own personal growth and development.
- Fathers, their children, and their co-parents participate in a variety of fun family activities, including holiday celebrations and golf, circus, and other recreational outings.

Organizational Level
Outcomes for fathers are only as good as the organizations and systems that engage them. To ensure that fathers reach their full potential, organizations and systems must recognize and value the role that fathers play in their families and communities.
Power of Fathers works to improve the father engagement practices, policies, and programs of the four partner agencies.
- Partners complete organizational assessments to measure the quality of their father engagement across their organizations
- Partners develop and implement organizational improvement plans based on their assessments
- The initiative tracks the improvements each organization makes, and evaluates the impact of the fathers and families they serve.
The best practices learned from this effort will be collected and shared with other organizations and agencies to improve their work with fathers. When more organizations implement effective father engagement strategies, more fathers can achieve positive outcomes.
Narrative Change
Changing the way the public, policymakers, and practitioners view and value fathers is an important component of our work. Power of Fathers utilizes various traditional and social media to promote a positive narrative that fathers have a powerful impact on their children and their communities.